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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2017

Eat Anything Important Happy

Everyone would like to eat, any food origin with the right price and also a lot of portions of course. let alone women, women like sweet foods but in my opinion all of course would like to have a place to eat is a trend definitely place it used as a place of selfie and a place to talk with friends 😵😵😵 and the food photos will also be uploaded on their social media accounts but if I come or visit the place where I just want to make sure the place is halal or not. because of the experience of my cousin while in yogyakarta he had time to eat in a place that does not list his halal. because he thinks this place is very hemp in people's visit. so my message to you carefully look for a place to eat because the place to eat that hemp visitors is not necessarily halal 💛💛💛 Okay next!!! one day when I come home from my campus and my best friend, we are looking for a very hits place and also sell good food and at the right price. and also looking for a great place to ta...

Perbedaan Maritim, Bahari, dan Kelautan

Banyak dari kalangan masyarakat yang menganggap bahwa istilah kemaritiman dan kelautan mempunyai arti yang sama, tetapi sementara ada pendapat bahwa pengertian kelautan mempunyai arti yang lebih luas daripada pengertian kemaritiman, sehingga masih banyak yang belum memahami tentang kelautan dan kemaritiman itu sendiri. Disamping ada istilah kemaritiman dan kelautan juga didapat istilah bahari dalam hal ini saya akan menjelaskan perbedaan itu. MARITIM, merupakan segala aktivitas pelayaran dan perniagaan/perdagangan yang berhubungan dengan kelautan atau disebut pelayaran niaga, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa  maritim adalah Terminologi Kelautan dan Maritim berkenaan dengan laut, yang berhubungan dengan pelayaran perdagangan laut. Contoh: Berlayar, Mancing, Transportasi, Kilang Minyak, Menyelam, dan Navigasi. Pengertian kemaritiman yang selama ini diketahui oleh masyarakat umum adalah  menunjukkan kegiatan di laut yang berhubungan dengan pelayaran dan pe...

Second Task (Three Levels of Government)

Three Levels of Government There are three different levels of government in the United States: local, state and federal. Each level of government has its own elected officials who have specific jobs to do. Adult American citizens have a voice in all three levels of government. Their voice is their vote. Local government is the level closest to the community. People in the neighborhood elect a mayor and city council members. Town meetings allow the people to bring their concerns to their elected leaders. The mayor and city council members pass laws. The laws affect the city and the people who live there. State government is in charge of writing and enforcing laws for all the people within one state. The people of the state elect a governor and representatives who handle business for the state. Special state departments handle issues for the state. They protect the health and safety of state citizens. The federal government is in charge of writing and enforcing laws...