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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2017

The bustling but impressive city of Jakarta

The holidays are so much fun, we can enjoy and feel the most beautiful creation from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, so vacation time is expected to be used well so we can enjoy it with fun. Especially vacationing with family. It is the most beautiful thing that can not be counted. So here I will tell you a little how my holiday this time. Actually the city that I visit is fairly ordinary, because the heart of Indonesia here. I could say I visited this city five times. Because to tell you must be a newly visited place so I choose this city to tell because 5 months ago before college, I was just from this city. JAKARTA... Who does not know jakarta? If you do not know it means you are not Indonesian. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, a busy city, a traffic jam city, a city that never stops its activities, and make no mistake although this city is still a lot of complaints but the city of Jakarta is also known as the culinary city 24 hours. Because, the culin


MARI JAGA DAN LESTARIKAN KEINDAHAN ALAM YANG TIADA TERKIRA Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia, dengan panjang garis pantai lebih dari 81.000 km, serta lebih dari 17.508 pulau. Terumbu karang yang luas melindungi kepulauan Indonesia. Walter, 1994 mengestimasi luas terumbu karang Indonesia sekitar 51.000 , sedangkan Tomascik menyebutkan bahwa luas terumbu karang 85.707 . Angka ini belum termasuk terumbu karang di wilayah terpencil yang belum dipetakan atau yang berada di perairan agak dalam. Jika estimasi ini akurat, maka 51% terumbu karang di Asia Tenggara, dan 18% terumbu karang di dunia, berada di perairan Indonesia. Sebagian besar dari terumbu karang ini bertipe terumbu karang tepi ( fringing reefs ), berdekatan dengan garis pantai dan mudah diakses oleh komunitas setempat. Terumbu karang alami ini mempunyai peran penting dalam mendukung kelestarian sumberdaya ikan dan organisme laut, serta berfungsi sebagai pelindung pantai dari aktifitas gelombang dan arus.