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A friend of mine, who is like a sister herself

“Teman yang paling baik adalah apabila kamu melihat wajahnya, kamu teringat akan Allah, mendengar kata-katanya menambahkan ilmu agama, melihat gerak-gerinya teringat mati. Sebaik-baik sahabat di sisi Allah ialah orang yang terbaik terhadap temannya dan sebaik-baik tetangga di sisi Allah ialah orang yang terbaik terhadap tetangganya.”(HR. Hakim)

Friendship is like "Big Tree"

The roots in the embedded in the soul until its robustness not even deterred by the storms of life. So if when the storm of life comes to you, immediately put yourself on your friends.

that's how I might liken my friend. probably still not exactly a friend, because we actually have known each other for a long time, we know each other that I will tell one by one. Where will I start from Dinda Puspita Sari, I know her from me first enter high school where we know from a meeting during orientation period. Knowing we were not good friends. Friends but not too familiar because we are friends only one fellow schoolgirl, because we are always different classes. We were never one class from the first but we were friends. You know he is now unvhashed because she still wants to learn more she said. Then go on this pretty crazy story. At first I did not know that we could meet in the same department in college. Honestly since we have one class and one majors in tanjungpura university we are getting closer and it seems we can not be separated anymore because she really understands my situation. anything in the story must always laugh, if you go to relax with us always choose a comfortable and cheap place, and if you eat the least but the food runs out in the meal. And then she's a sad guy sometimes, because of romance and she's looking for his dreams but she's a loyal man. And she does not like spicy food, but she likes to ignore, but with his best friend she is very considerate. Then I will tell my other friend that one is Dinda Della Pratiwi. Of course, my two friends are named in the beginning with Dinda, let me be beautiful in the eyes but sometimes they like to make angry. Well then go on about friends, if my friend who has wearing the headscarf and wearing glasses, she is good but fierce person, she is quite angry person in any case but he is good spirited, she likes forgetful, if in doing something she likes impatience, but she is very dear to me, just look at the photo. in the photo she hugged me. she is very loyal person, we know from since junior high. We've made friends long enough and almost 3 years we are one class, and also we make good friends. Then continue the story. inversely proportional to Dinda. Della people like spicy, if you eat, the water is not enough one glass, and she people like to eat anything as long as spicy, then she likes a lot of food portions, and she is pretty person, she likes korea. Anything about korea she knows everything.

In this friendship we hope to be together forever. For without them what is the meaning of this world, those who will always be encouragement and people who always make me laugh off the campus, and they also keep a good secret.

Words for you, Friend is like the wind, not aware of its existence, but will blow the freshness when you are tired and full of sweat The real friend is someone who is ready to receive the outpouring of your happiness when you are happy, and ready to help you to rise when you fall that is really good hard to find, hard to abandon and impossible to forget true friend is like a sun shining, Faithful friend like fragrance that scent, And best friend like Water refreshing Friendship is like a pearl, long process of formation, but beautiful in the end . This is our college friend story hopefully we can be with his graduation and can be happy together. Essentially I love them to death that separates.


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