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The story of my life about the little princess beloved father who was growing up

I Actually, confused to begin the story from where possible from a baby girl who was born 2,85 kg weight in a warm house in the village on a sunny morning that is right on June 5th 1999. baby girl is called funny Muthia Febliana who is now traveling his undergraduate education at University of Tanjungpura. engineering faculty, marine engineering studies program. Maybe it's the beginning of a sentence to start a life story full of blessings from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

In the course of this life I will tell you about my personal life that you might be impressed reading it.
New life started when I started studying and studying from the children's park at RA Nurul Islam, then continued at elementary school level at SDN 10 Ngabang, then back again at the junior high school in SMPN 1 Ngabang, then move again in high school which is always loved and full of memories of SMAN 1 Ngabang, and then continues again the higher education that is the beloved University of Tanjungpura. And if Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala allows me, of course, I want to be able to continue my education until the Master.

It's still in the beginning of a word, if I tell you about my life, it can be a beautiful book. Why beautiful because the journey of life is very beautiful because of its beauty I can have a very beautiful family, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala most beautiful gift created by Allah that have a loving father, a clever cook, who is always willing to sacrifice for his beloved little daughter, have a mother who always makes happy, who always makes sadness a laugh, and the mother who always wipes the tears is sad, and have a very loving brother, smart in computers, and always treat when sick coincidentally my brother is a nurse.

Continue the story, I remember when I wrote something whether it was writing poetry, writing stories, or life experiences my friends always said that my talent was writing because I am known to be very poetic in saying. And of course I love the literature, such as novels and poetry. Like the second it is something that makes me realize that life is not just talk and think alone, but talking and thinking that led to a meaning, then I also like to count because if we count means we are successful to continue life for the next day because life is must count not only as small as counting numbers but counting everything. Actually my goal was to become a journalist, but after I think, then watch a documentary about the beauty of the sea and its utilization. I realize why many people in this world do not care about the sea and the water. Though if it is utilized and the infrastructure can also be made sure it will be very beneficial for everyone and for the future. I remember the movie that I watched the title "In The Heart Of The Sea" and it made me realize why the sea is sometimes considered trivial when the sea is very beneficial to life if we as human beings can use it well. Therefore I chose to go to Marine Engineering because I want to be able to make the eyes of all people in this world can see that the beauty and preciousness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala creation is the sea.

And further story, I person want to be closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Because without Allah I can not have a happy family, have friends of all sorts, and also can not be like this. I used to remember the words of my friends why my high school time has not been veiled when my mother is a Muslim shop dealer. Then I answered the veil is indeed our obligation as a religious believer of Islam. But the hijab should be the same as our heart and personality, the hijab is not just for trendy but the hijab should be practiced as well. Where we as a good muslimah should be able to maintain our attitude and ourselves as women who will bear children, a woman who will determine the civilized life in this world. So the hijab is not just a hijab. I wear the hijab after I finish my high school education. And Alhamdullilah after I learn, and I practice my hijab. I am increasingly aware that the hijab is very captivating not because of the trendy, but after wearing the veil I get closer to the creator.

Continue the story again, my hobby is already explained in the writing, I also read. I love reading love books but love is like "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" and “Ketika Cinta Bertasbih” and I like the novel work of “Habiburrahman El Shirazy” I also like to watch movies. All kinds of movies I like let alone the film lifted from the novel.

My dream is to be happy father and mother and all the big families. Can make them happy is the most beautiful thing in life. And I want to be able to see my mom and dad see me later when I graduation, to see me getting married and having children, and being able to go to the holy land with me. Because my life that has been engraved is able to make the father and mother smile happy, and I want to be closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala the creator. And of course I want to be able to work in the world of work that I want so far.

Maybe that's the story of my life journey, because if I tell you again maybe this story will not run out because we as human beings will never know until the story of this journey of life will end, because who knows only the creator is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.


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